Educate a broad group of interested business leaders and other community/political leaders on:

  1. How Investor Owned Utilities are regulated and incentivized today.

  2. Why that incentive structure is not well suited for the electric grid of the future, which will need to leverage all Distributed Energy Resources (DERs).

  3. What other states and approaches are being explored to change the way Investor Owned Utilities are regulated and incentivized.

  4. Identify potential next steps to ensure Iowa starts addressing the need for electric utility reform.

Morning Session


10:00 Opening remarks and introductions from Iowa Business for Clean Energy Executive Director, Bob Rafferty. Overall emphasis is that Iowa businesses can have a low carbon footprint at the lowest cost.

10:15 Ryan Katofsky, Overview of the Future. To make the most efficient, low carbon grid of the we must leverage all DERs.

10:30 Jessica Shipley, Iowa Utility Regulation 101: The Challenge of the Current Electric Utility Regulatory Environment. Followed by Q & A.

11:00 Jessica, Conceptual ways to do things differently. Followed by Q & A.

11:25 Ryan and Jessica, State Model Examples. How other states are regulating utilities.



Remarks from former FERC Chair Neil Chatterjee throughout the lunch break. Neil will address what aspects of federal regulation needs to evolve? What are the main federal challenges, issues to wrestle with as you look at the challenge of the grid of the future?

Catered lunch from Baratta’s Italian Restaurant. Iowa Business for Clean Energy would like to thank our Lunch Sponsor…. for this wonderful meal.

Afternoon Session


1:00 All attendees participate in a Small Group Debrief.

1:15 John Smith, Perspective from Utilities, A panel from the Utilities discusses opportunities and challenges.

2:00 Small Group Discussion- 1) Reaction to state models; 2) thoughts on strategies for next steps.

2:20 Bob, Next Steps- How to move the discussion forward.

2:35 Adjourn