Governor Reynolds introduced major new energy legislation over the past two weeks, House Study Bill 123 and Senate Study Bill 1112. The Governor’s bill includes several concepts which, if amended, can have a positive impact on the future electric rates of Iowa’s investor-owned electric utilities.
Unfortunately, as currently constructed, the bills are very pro-utility. These bills, if not amended, would:
allow utilities to determine future investment plans without the Utilities Commission evaluating whether investment decisions serve consumers' best interests,
increase the interest rate consumers have to pay utilities on new gas plants,
permit the utilities to retain 100% of the profits generated from innovative rate structures, revenue that would otherwise be allocated to mitigate future rate increases, and
allow incumbent utilities to build $3 billion in new transmission lines without competitive bidding.
All the ratepayer groups are united in advocating for amendments to change the pro-utility legislation into a pro-ratepayer bill. The groups range from AARP, representing Iowa’s seniors, to the National Federation of Business, which represents Iowa’s small businesses, to the Iowa Retail Federation and Iowa’s largest energy users.