Without careful regulatory scrutiny, MidAmerican’s customers will be writing a blank check for its $3.9 billion proposal.
MidAmerican Energy’s generation of renewable energy equivalent to 88.5% of its customers’ use is a great win for Iowa, but that achievement is not a reason for customers to write a blank check on their request to the Iowa Utilities Board to invest an additional $3.9 billion in new generation and other spending.
MidAmerican did not invest in wind for the purpose of reducing its carbon output; company executives did it because they saw a promising business opportunity. And while this new proposal may be good for MidAmerican, the utilities board needs to ensure it is also good for consumers.
While customers have been winners in MidAmerican’s wind investment so far, the objections to this new spending by Google, Facebook and Microsoft, which have sophisticated experts to analyze these matters, raise the question whether MidAmerican’s proposal achieves the goal of getting to 24/7 clean energy at the lowest cost. Let’s look at five important factors that need to be explored to determine if the proposal truly delivers 100% clean energy for Iowans at the lowest cost: